Girlfriends are better than boyfriends. I'm not meaning in a lesbian-sexual kind of way. I'm meaning in a carefree, fun kind of way. You can do things in front of girlfriends that you would never do in front of boyfriends. You can sit on the toilet and talk while flushing. You can wear funky pajamas and no makeup and look like something the cat drug in. You can talk about your boyfriend. You can complain about your boyfriend.
Girlfriends are special but best girlfriends are awesome! Mine happens to be Susan. When Susan and I get together we discuss everything from old boyfriends to farts (which are one and the same sometimes). We find humor in everything. We laugh. We make fun of people. We Giggle. We vent. We cuss. We cry. We fart. We laugh again. There is nothing sacred and no subject is taboo. She knows more about me than any person should ever know and will take my secrets to her grave. If I'm doing something stupid she'll call me on it and she's always right. We respect each other. She's like my sister yet we don't have the sister-fights that are so common with siblings. Every woman needs a best girlfriend like Susan.
I think world leaders should tap into my and Susan's conversations. We solve the world's problems on a regular basis. Unemployment? Not a problem. Put their lazy butts to work cleaning up the highways. Yessiree! Fire all the politicians and put us in charge. We'd have a blast until we got sick of the whole thing. Then we'd move on to more important things like what we're cooking for dinner.
That's one of our favorite topics. When Susan starts telling me what she's cooking up for her and her hubby, Jerry's, dinner I find myself wanting to make the 2 hour journey to her house. I'd do it too if I knew I could get there in time. She's like me. She uses fresh herbs and loves to do crafty things in the kitchen. She wants to start making her own vinegar, an idea she got from me. I've almost always had a big jug of homemade vinegar aging in my kitchen - except for now. Hmmmm. It's probably time to start again... She's an encyclopedia of using natural herbs and suppliments to cure everything from cold sores to mental fatigue.
We could write a recipe book together - or a poetry book - or even a child's story book. I'd write it and she could illustrate it. Did I mention she's an artist? We display and sell her paintings at our store. She worked as an artist for Publix doing displays and signs until she got sick. Did I mention she's a double lung transplant recipient? That's how she knows so much about natural cures. She's had a crash course in it!
What it all boils down to is a best friend is a very important person in any girl's world. I don't know what I would have done without mine during the two toughest years of my life. I have just hung up from talking with her as she heated up homemade chili. As I sit in front of the TV watching the Food Channel and eating snacks for dinner I wonder how good that chili tastes.
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